Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants}
Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants}
Rating : Brand : Model : Shipping : Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants} Ships For Save. Details |
Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants} Feature
Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants} Overview
Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants} This plant is in the family Liliaceae. Similar to Convallaria majuscula and other Convallaria majalis varieties, this deciduous plant has lily-like spathe-shaped leaves (8 inches long, 3 inches wide) that arch and rise from spreading roots. Lily-of-the-valley will spread slowly to form a thick carpet of green that remains attractive from early spring to late summer. The white bell-shaped fragrant flowers bloom in May: they brighten areas of dense shade beneath trees and along north walls (where few other plants will grow or bloom). Convallaria majalis is good for erosion control and has a moderate growth rate. It is a very good groundcover; it tolerates summer drought and requires no care other than a mulch to conserve moisture. Best to plant in early spring or in fall. Convallaria majalis is the only species (in the genus Convallaria and flowering plant family Ruscaceae) that is found in older texts to be in the lily family (Liliaceae), or sometimes its own family (Convallariaceae). This woodland plant is native throughout the cool, temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe; it has a limited native population in the Eastern United States. This plant is a herbaceous perennial that forms extensive colonies by spreading underground stems (called rhizomes): these send out stolons that send up numerous stems each spring. The stems grow to 5-12 inches tall, with one or two leaves 3-10 inches long; flowering stems have two leaves and a raceme of 5-15 flowers on the stem apex. The flowers are white tepals, bell-shaped, sweetly scented, and about 3/10-inch in diameter. Flowering occurs in late spring, during mild winters and in early March. The fruit is a small (1/5- to 1/3-inch) orange-red berry that contains a few large, whitish- to brownish-colored (1/8- to 1/5-inch wide) seeds that dry to a clear translucent round bead. Plants are self-sterile, and coloni Spacing 4 - 8 inches. Mature height 6 - 10 inches. Part sun, Full shade. Zones: 2-7/8.Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants} See All Product Description
Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants}
Convallaria majalis (May Lily, May Bells, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Male Lily and Muguet, Our Lady's Tears) {50 Bare Root plants} Discount Review Shop
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